Frequently Asked Questions

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We’ve collected our FAQs below



Does Halo Connect store Practice data?

No data is stored by Halo Connect and Halo Connect does not have access to medical practice data. Data is transferred via secure methods between medical practices and integrators (and vice versa).

What cloud infrastructure does Halo Connect use?

Halo Connect is built on Microsoft Azure and hosted in Australia in ISO 27001-compliant facilities.

What are Halo Connect’s privacy and security controls?

Halo Connect uses industry-leading encryption technologies to protect data during transit. Halo Connect uses access control and audit records (among other security tools) to protect data during transportation. For more information, please visit the Halo Connect Trust Centre here.

How does my Practice access Halo Connect?

Halo Connect is included in your Bp Premier or Zedmed subscription. Halo Connect only supports third-party solutions that are already approved members of these Practice Management Systems’ Partner Networks.

I am a member of the Bp and/or Zedmed Partner Network – How do I get access to the Halo Connect APIs?

Expressions of interest are welcomed by members of the Best Practice and Zedmed Partner Networks. To participate, please contact

How much does Halo Connect cost?

Practices do not pay anything to use Halo Connect. Third-party integrators pay based on usage of the API. We charge a set fee per practice per month based on the level of usage, with a corresponding daily query and bandwidth cap. For more information, please contact

I have technical queries about Halo’s API – where can I find out more information?

The Halo Connect API public documentation can be found here. If you have any questions, or would like to speak to the Halo Connect technical team, please contact

Do I need to have written my own SQL queries to use Halo Connect?

Some integrators are in the early stages of integrating and haven’t yet written SQL queries to read/write the data they require. The good news is we’re also building a FHIR façade that is designed so that you never need to write your own SQL. If you want to help inform our roadmap, please contact

What is the relationship between Halo Connect and Cubiko?

Both companies were founded by Chris Smeed, however, Halo Connect and Cubiko are independent companies with separate ownership and investment structures. Governed by separate Boards, Halo Connect and Cubiko operate with separate management and staff.

If my Practice has poor internet speeds will there be issues using Halo Connect?

Halo Link does require an active internet connection to install and to retrieve and execute queries. Slow internet connections, particularly slow upload speeds, can impact a third-party integrator's ability to execute large queries. However, we have made improvements over the past 12 months to our queuing to better support Practices with particularly slow internet.

Is Halo Connect different to Halo Link?

Halo Connect is the name of the Company, and an overarching name for our Product suite which is currently made up of two main components - Halo Cloud, which is our Azure-based cloud infrastructure and APIs, and Halo Link, which is the local database connector that gets installed on the Practice server.

Who do I contact for support with Halo Connect?

Please contact Halo Connect support at


For Bp Premier customers and integrators

How do I get Halo Connect in my Practice?

The Halo Link service is included in all Data Updates since July 2023 so should already be installed on your Practice server. If your server and IT environment did not meet the minimum requirements, then the install would have failed. Please review and meet the minimum requirements and reapply the most recent Data Update or reach out to for assistance.

How do I control which integrators have access to my Practice data?

Halo Connect relies on the third-party solutions being enabled through configuration in Bp Premier. Further information on how to enable third-party integrations can be found on the Bp Knowledge Base.

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Are existing Partners required to use Halo Connect to access on premise Bp Premier data?

Existing Partners may continue to integrate with on-premise Bp Premier software without using Halo Connect until December 2025. Partners will be required to use Halo Connect to access new features that will be developed and released over the next 18 months. These features will be communicated to Partners via Bp Partner Network email communications. Partners may also subscribe to Halo Connect updates here.

Will I be required to use Halo Connect to integrate with Best Practice Software cloud products?

Halo Connect will play a pivotal role in Best Practice Software’s roadmap for interoperability. Endpoints developed for Best Practice Software’s API will work across on-premise and cloud products. Members of the Bp Partner Network will be required to use Halo Connect to integrate with Best Practice Cloud Products and with Best Practice Premier from December 2025.

When will Halo Connect be accessible to members of the Bp Partner Network?

Halo Connect is now available to all Bp Partners, and Halo Link, the local database connector, was included in the July 2023 Data Update for Bp Premier.

I am a current Bp Partner, will I require a separate agreement to access Halo Connect?

Currently, Bp Partners are required to enter into an agreement with Halo Connect to use Halo Connect solutions. It is anticipated that this will transition to be a part of the Bp Partner agreements in 2024.


For Zedmed customers and integrators

How do I get Halo Connect in my Practice?

Zedmed, Halo Connect and Cubiko will be running a Beta in early 2024 with some select Practices. It is anticipated that Halo Connect will be widely available to Practices and Partners in an upcoming release of Zedmed after the completion of the Beta. Partners will be notified of Halo Connect’s availability via Zedmed Partner Network email communications.

What APIs are available for Zedmed?

Our Beta in early 2024 will be limited to the SQL Passthrough API. We also plan to bring our FHIR APIs to Zedmed and will share further information in the future.

Are existing Partners required to use Halo Connect to access Zedmed data?

Existing Partners may continue to integrate with Zedmed software without using Halo Connect for a period of time. Partners will be required to use Halo Connect to access new features that will be developed and released over the next 12-24 months. These features will be communicated to Partners via Partner email communications. Partners may also subscribe to Halo Connect updates here.

I am a member of the Zedmed Partner Network – How do I participate in Beta Testing?

Expressions of interest are welcomed by members of the Zedmed Partner Network. To participate in beta testing of Halo Connect APIs, please contact

I am a current Zedmed Partner, will I require a separate agreement to access Halo Connect?

Partners of the Zedmed Partner Network will be required to enter into an agreement with Halo Connect to use Halo Connect solutions.

How do I control which integrators have access to my Practice data?

Halo Connect relies on third-party solutions being enabled through configuration in Zedmed. Further information on how to enable third-party integrations can be found on the Zedmed Knowledge Base after completion of the Beta.